: Surf Life Saving Australia (SLSA)
Industry: Non-Profit, Community Services
Services: Offshore IT Talent, Data Analysis, Software Development
Results: Expanded IT team, successful results achieved with Knowledge Process Outsourcing

The Client

Surf Life Saving Australia (SLSA) is a pillar of community safety, with a determination and commitment to saving lives, creating exceptional Australians, and strengthening communities. As a national organisation, SLSA provides critical support to surf lifesaving clubs across the country, overseeing vital services, coordinating major sporting events, and driving comprehensive marketing initiatives. With offices strategically located in Sydney, and Brisbane SLSA requires a robust IT infrastructure to ensure seamless operations organisation-wide. Under the leadership of Scott Randall, Manager of the National ICT Unit, the IT team is integral to the organisation’s success, providing the expertise, manpower, and resources necessary to execute large-scale projects effectively.

The Challenges

It comes as no surprise to see that the Global Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO) market is poised for significant growth between 2024 and 2031, with more and more businesses looking to outsource. The market, which has seen a steady trajectory of growth in 2024 already, is expected to accelerate as key players increasingly adopt strategic initiatives to further grow their businesses, well into the future.

As a rapidly expanding organisation with a mission-critical IT infrastructure, SLSA encountered significant challenges in staffing their IT team domestically – finding talent with the required expertise that was also financially sustainable, proved difficult. While sourcing onshore talent was feasible, the associated costs posed a further challenge in recruiting and retaining skilled IT professionals and graphic designers, particularly within stringent budgetary constraints. Compounding this challenge was SLSA’s initiation of a core systems rewrite project, aimed at transitioning the organisation to a modern architecture that would better support their growing operations.

With a project this size, Scott voiced initial concerns regarding potential communication barriers with an offshore team – that, combined with the ability to also maintain robust IT security. He stated, “Onshore staff were costly, and it was challenging to find people with the right skill set and experience – within our budget.” He went on to say, “Not to mention that I was also concerned about how well an offshore team would integrate with our existing security practices and business operations, which has been seamless.”


SLSA engaged Flat Planet to explore the feasibility of outsourcing IT talent, seeking a solution that could meet their growing needs, without compromising on quality or security. Flat Planet, renowned for providing highly skilled IT professionals from the Philippines, presented an ideal match for SLSA’s requirements. The collaboration commenced in 2021, initially with a team of three developers and as the scope of SLSA’s projects expanded, so did the team – to nine members, encompassing roles such as software developers and data analysts.

Flat Planet’s onboarding process was marked by efficiency and precision. All offshore developers were required to operate from Flat Planet’s office in the Philippines during their first month, facilitating a smooth transition and alignment with SLSA’s operational standards. This strategy, coupled with consistent communication and rigorous security protocols, ensured a seamless integration of the offshore team, with SLSA’s existing staff.

“We were initially concerned about potential communication issues, but those fears were quickly allayed,” Scott noted. “A team leader at Flat Planet took charge of onboarding, and the fact that we had our extended offshore team work from the office in the Philippines initially, made a significant difference.”


Surf lifesaving team

The collaboration with Flat Planet has yielded impressive results for SLSA, who needed an extended, real-time workforce, with results achieved by real people, while benefiting from real financial advantages. The offshore team played a key role in the ongoing core systems rewrite project, which is set to modernise SLSA’s IT infrastructure. Despite initial concerns, the quality of work delivered by the Flat Planet offshore team, more than met expectations, with any challenges being addressed promptly.

“Naturally, collaborating with an offshore team is daunting at first and we had our concerns, but the performance of the team has been strong, with minimal to no issues,” Scott stated. “The data analysts we recently brought on board, have more than exceeded our expectations.”

One of the significant advantages of partnering with Flat Planet, has been the cost savings. By hiring offshore talent, SLSA was able to cut staffing costs by half, allowing them to undertake large-scale projects that would otherwise not have been financially viable with an all-onshore team. “We wouldn’t be doing the large-scale projects we’re working on now without outsourcing,” Scott explained. “The value for money is undeniable and has had an all-round positive impact on operations for us.”

Moreover, the offshore team’s integration with SLSA’s security practices has been seamless, with all developers working on non-production versions of data, while strict protocols ensure that intellectual property and sensitive information are well-protected.


The partnership between Surf Life Saving Australia (SLSA) and Flat Planet has proven to be a resounding success. SLSA has not only been able to expand its IT capabilities, but also improve overall efficiency and productivity while maintaining stringent security standards.

“If I had to recommend Flat Planet to other companies, I’d do it without hesitation,” Scott affirmed. “We couldn’t have achieved what we have over the past three years without them. The relationship has worked well, and the quality of candidates we onboarded have been exemplary.” For companies considering outsourcing their IT talent, Scott offers this advice: “Initially, you need someone onshore to manage the offshore team on a day-to-day basis. Once you find your rhythm, it’s just like onboarding someone onshore, but at a fraction of the cost.”

It is interesting to note that Australia is part of the global KPO market, valued at USD 42,560.08 million in 2021, is projected to surge at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20.59%, reaching an impressive USD 130,891.29 million by 20311. As SLSA continues to grow and evolve, the partnership with Flat Planet remains pivotal to their IT strategy. With plans to maintain and potentially expand the team as projects demand, SLSA is well-positioned to continue its mission of saving lives and building better communities, supported by a robust and cost-effective IT infrastructure. With a clear vision, clearly defined roles, a committed offshore team and proven systems that work, outsourcing can take your business to the next level with incredible results.

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