Our Pricing

Whether you need a single project done,
or a recurring task each month, we have a pricing option to suit all budgets.

Hourly Rates

Time will be logged on a prorated basis, with no minimum commitment.

Monthly Packages

We have a range of packages tailored specifically for your monthly marketing needs. Get your to-do list done,
whether you’re a startup seeking visibility or an established business aiming for expansion, we have the perfect package for you!

The Essentials

Ideal for businesses who need recurring tasks done monthly, like social media, email marketing and CRM.

USD $520
(includes 24 hours)


Ideal for startup businesses looking to expand their marketing capability without the overheads.

USD $860
(includes 40 hours)

Business Edge

Ideal for larger businesses or agencies looking for robust support to supplement an existing marketing team.

USD $1,300
(includes 60 hours)


Ideal for businesses and agencies who need part-time support without overwhelming commitment.

USD $1,720
(includes 80 hours)

Terms and conditions:

  • Minimum commitment of one calendar month (or part thereof) with automatic rollover from the 1st of the next calendar month.
  • Each package includes a set number of hours. Additional hours will be charged on a prorate basis at USD $22 per hour
  • Package hours must be used by the end of the calendar month and do not rollover.
  • Package may be terminated with a minimum of two weeks notice prior to end of a calendar month, however if the two week notice period expires after the rollover to a new calendar month, the package will terminate at the end of the new calendar month. Any further work performed will be charged at the standard Hourly Rate
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